ZILWA ATTITUDE i Rivière du Rempart

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Rivière du Rempart, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 204 9800
internet side: zilwa-hotel-mauritius.com
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Latitude: -20.0031878, Longitude: 57.6485888

kommentar 5

  • deepti amarnath

    deepti amarnath


    Superb place for a holiday. Rooms were perfect. Service was really good. We were on a honeymoon and also enjoyed all of the restaurants. The hotel provides some activities that were really nice. And all the pools were well maintained.

  • Tanja Decurtins

    Tanja Decurtins


    I spent the most wonderful holidays there in my whole life. The sun was shining, the private beach was quiet and the thin white sand which was leading to the ocean was appealing to perfect distress and relaxation. The pool is huge and well structured. The room decoration was accorded to the landscape and the entire island. The only negative point would be the price of the different activities. Depending on what you want to discover it might be quite expensive. However everything is made with the aim of making you relax and enjoy your time.

  • en

    Elliot Thomas


    This place was absolutely and completely the nicest place I have ever been to in my life. The location was amazing, look g out to see over the islands gives you a great sense of being. The rooms were nice an spacious and the surroundings sublime. Food and drink at the bar was very nice and we ended up eating at the buffet dinner every night rather than doing an a la carte as the food was so good. Arno was a good guy but a shout out to all the staff as they were all amazing. Had a great stay and would love to go back again.

  • en

    Chris Young


    Most amazing hotel i have ever stayed in. The Staff are brilliant, the food is out of this world so hats off to the chefs. This hotel is 5 star and more. If you are planning on staying anywhere this is the place to be in Mauritius. Truly is paradise.

  • Pallavi Kashyap

    Pallavi Kashyap


    Great resort.. Awesome stay.. The staff are way too friendly. They'll provide you complimentary services almost always. The buffet is great too. Lots of choices. And the beach view.. Breathtaking! Go for it.. They are gonna make your stay memorable..

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