Paradise Cove Boutique Hotel i Rivière du Rempart District

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MauritiusParadise Cove Boutique Hotel



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B13, Rivière du Rempart District, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 204 4000
internet side:
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Latitude: -19.988248, Longitude: 57.632629

kommentar 5

  • en

    Naman Gauba


    The best hotel to stay in Mauritius it's like a heaven on Earth

  • James Owen

    James Owen


    A five star experience, the staff are genuinely friendly and attentive. All made us feel welcomed. The pools, views and food are exceptional, with local dishes given a gastranomic twist if you wish to enjoy a more seasoned fare. With double the number of sun beds to guest available there was never an issue finding a quite spot to relax, indeed with the love nests around the cove being popular you can often have the beach to yourselves.

  • Janice Owen

    Janice Owen


    We have been staying here now for 10 days and are getting ready to leave, so sad. Everyone has been so kind and friendly and have gone out of their way to make our stay comfortable and relaxing. I don't think I have seen staff members work so hard. Thank you Paradise Cove, hope to see you again soon xx

  • en

    Laurence Hurley


    A wonderful hotel, friendly welcoming staff, great quality amenities. The food was excellent and the bars well stocked. The rooms are well furnished with Handy Phones to provide a lifeline when away from the hotel WiFi. The setting is gorgeous, I can't wait to come back!

  • en

    Al J


    Great all round except basic rooms are basic and need a make over, they are also quite small. The grounds staff do an amazing job and the hotel looks beautiful. The water sports are great and we loved the infinity pools and floating jetty. The live music and entertainment is also excellent and they are very skilled. I agree with other reviews that food is nice but it is a bit hit or miss. A couple of times our order was taken down incorrectly. We also had an issue with taxis. The hotel rates was very high. Locally we were quoted 800R for a trip to Port Lois. The hotel tried to charge us R2,800 return which is steep even to people from London!! Overall we have enjoyed our stay but a bit more attention to detail in the double rooms and with the food would make this hotel next level.

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