Veranda Grand Baie Hotel & Spa i Grand Baie

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MauritiusVeranda Grand Baie Hotel & Spa



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Route Royale, Grand Baie, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 209 8000
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.008438, Longitude: 57.578935

kommentar 5

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    Mitali Dholam


    Great proximity from market. I would give 3 stars for cleanliness. Food is not great if you are a vegetarian.

  • Sanjay Kamduth

    Sanjay Kamduth


    5 stars for location, 5 stars to the friendly staff, especially Raja the manager. 1 star for their ridiculous prices. We got to the hotel around 10pm and was starving. We requested a meal and the restaurant was about to close. So they quickly sat us down to have whatever was available. I had a piece of chicken & my wife some lamb, a coke and a juice. They billed us 2000 Rupees. They billed me 20 Rupees for a bottle of water, then the next day they changed it to 60 Rupees (refer pic). All in all Mauritius is a beautiful place but everyone is after making quick money.

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    sid slovek


    Lovely gardens all-around, nice staff, rooms OK, good pools, small but nice beach, friendly. Reasonable price for room b&b.

  • en

    Lystra Smith


    Location is superb, so are the views ! Service is appalling! Food to expensive, potion size is for a child ! After two lunches , won’t have any meals there, apart from breakfast. Staff are apologetic but there rules are ridiculous! You can only eat in desinageted areas , and not to your comfort! Smokers wondering around for ashtrays ! Wheelchair access is a joke ! If you sharing , you’re really sharing, no matter how many times I’ve asked for two glasses in our room , never received! Talking to the other guest I get the same feedback! This is one of the worst resorts on the island! And that’s coming from locals staying here ! Definitely won’t be coming here again !

  • David Webster

    David Webster


    Nice rooms, great location with an easy walk into town, where you will find a great indoor bizare (market). The hotel it's self in my opion needs a good shake up. The food is interesting and varied and should suit all tastes. If your all inclusive then you have to sign everyone you have anything. Too many staff so don't tip, I shall wait until we leave and then leave a substantial tip at reception. Hope this info helps

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