Ved Holistic Care Centre Ltd i Triolet

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusVed Holistic Care Centre Ltd



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Royal Road Opposite Social Welfare Centre 8th Miles, Triolet 21503, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 261 7271
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Latitude: -20.057929, Longitude: 57.5522

kommentar 5

  • Mohurlall Chummun

    Mohurlall Chummun


    Best place for massage

  • fr

    Nassixx Da



  • en

    Calbertone nel Montefeltro


    I visited the care center in January 2018 twice and I was treated successfully for lymphatic blockages. The healer is a very special person who treated me as his own son and I shall treasure the memories forever. I wholeheartedly recommend a visit. Thank you Mr Beedasy for your help.

  • en

    Jack ILT


    I was provided an excellent 6 hand massage with stone therapy during my stay in Mauritius in January 2017. I was a little doubtfull about the stone therapy but it proved to be a very pleasant experience. In total, it was one of the best massages I have ever had. I really recommend it.

  • en

    Dwayne M


    Old time snake oil salesman and poor massage to boot. Don't waste your time or money unless you like buying expensive placebo bullshit. Which, if you do, I have a $399 magic pill I can sell you that cures everything from cancer to long toenails. For more info see my trip advisor review.

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