The Oberoi, Mauritius i Pointe aux Piments

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusThe Oberoi, Mauritius



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Turtle Bay,, Pointe aux Piments 111CU001, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 204 3600
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.082648, Longitude: 57.512863

kommentar 5

  • en

    Arvo Ski


    Few words only needed to describe it. Fabulous stay. If you want stress free vacation go there.

  • en

    MarieAnne Marjolin


    Great team food delicious and keep it up😊

  • Rajnish Rohatgi

    Rajnish Rohatgi


    Excellent hotel, with the characteristic Oberoi focus on high levels of service. Good food. Well maintained premises. The beach however, is Rocky and suitable for swimming. One significant lapse, which I would like to believe is rare for Oberoi, was that the extra sheet and pillow cover had blood stains

  • en

    Kevin Paul McNamara


    We had a fantastic ten day stay celebrating a special birthday with all the family of all ages. The attention and service we experienced was second to none and much appreciated. We would not stay anywhere else in Mauritius and hope to return in the not too distant future

  • en

    Dhaval Dedhia


    Amazing place for relaxing and just enjoy for holiday.... This place has such warmth and people here r very welcoming and r so nice ....

nærmeste Spa

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