Sunset Reef Resort & Spa Hotel i Pointe aux Piments

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusSunset Reef Resort & Spa Hotel



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Coastal Road, Pointe aux Piments 21034, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 204 2500
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.0602639, Longitude: 57.5198127

kommentar 5

  • Josh Kowlessur

    Josh Kowlessur


    A place of luxur, one can stay to relax and have nice time with family or friends

  • Rits R

    Rits R


    Very nice hotel, comfortable room, staffs are very friendly. The food was great. The room look like a 5* star hotel. I recommend this hotel.Good value for money.

  • Carryl Nekesa

    Carryl Nekesa


    The spa at Sunset Reef Resort is amazing. The ladies are extremely courteous and concerned. They are bilingual as well. Great experience in general.

  • tarang singhal

    tarang singhal


    The hotel is right next to the beach and all the rooms have very nice view of the beach from the balcony. The staff is very friendly and helpful.

  • Jess Roussos

    Jess Roussos


    Had a cheap massage here - it was surprisingly good - and the view from the bar was fantastic. I only give it 3 stars because it's not super luxurious. The drinks were good too

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