Rituals a [ comfort zone ] space i Fond du Sac

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MauritiusRituals a [ comfort zone ] space


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B11, Fond du Sac, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 266 9595
internet side: www.rituals.mu
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Latitude: -20.0557953, Longitude: 57.5832706

kommentar 5

  • en

    amit sunkoorah


    Staff are welcoming and nice environment! The massage sessions are 5 to 15mins less than advertised! Massage time promised should have been respected.

  • en

    Andre Koekemoer


    Not big on giving 5 stars, but Rituals is a pleasure. Shaded parking, friendly staff, good massage rooms, really deserving of their reputation

  • en

    Claire Martin


    Always a pleasure to go there! Great service and you know you are going to have a treat ahead! Really love the ginger and lemongrass tea after the massage !

  • Pavel Shchedrovitskiy

    Pavel Shchedrovitskiy


    Very good spa. Cozy and relaxing ambience. Skilled therapists. We enjoyed relaxing one hour massage that was quite helpful in soothing our muscles after kite. A bit pricy then competitors, but worth it.




    One of the best place in Mauritius for massage and spa. They offered a lot of massages and i think their Balinese massage is among the best. Place is well located and very clean. There is a changing room with locker and shower. Also some treatment room have there own shower. Therapist are very polite and helpful and makes you feel very comfortable. Be sure to book your service before you go. I strongly recommend this place.

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