Shantigiri Ayurveda Spa i Grand Baie

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MauritiusShantigiri Ayurveda Spa



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Suryamukhi Road, (opposite Labour Office ), Grand Baie, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 5290 2161
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Latitude: -20.0130541, Longitude: 57.5859591

kommentar 5

  • Adnane Kassamaly

    Adnane Kassamaly


    really amazing and relaxing ayurvedic massage ! i tried the Indian Massage, full body massage and it’s really worth it after a sportive day!

  • fr

    Alain Metge


    Formidable, super gentils, le massage indien est exceptionnel, vous en sortez tout neuf, fini les douleurs que l'on traîne depuis plusieurs semaines au dos, aux cervicales.... Nous vous recommandons ce massage et cet endroit. Nous y avons fait 3 massages en 1 semaine

  • Yaron Ouzana

    Yaron Ouzana


    Charming place, proffesional staff and very relaxing massages.

  • en

    Etseban El


    I stopped by after a hard day biking. I had read about the palce in a guidebook and the owner of my guesthouse recommended this place. They were going to close, but stayed open for me as they were full when I stopped by and they knew I really wanted (needed) a a leg massage. As I waited, the owner explained to me some of the Ayurvedic priciples which were quite interesting. Then I got in and they asked me if I wanted an hour or 90 minutes. I said and hour should be fine. It was so good that I asked them after 45 minutes if I could extended it for an hour and a half. They did so despite the fact that they were already staying open late for me. It has to be one of the biggest values I've ever had for a massage. It's in the nicest shopping center / super market I came across in the country, too. All around, an awesome afternoon with Italian gelato to top it off after biking 50 miles (80 kilometers) on a hot day biking in the sun. Awesome people.

  • satheesh Kumar

    satheesh Kumar


    very good massages exelent service

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