Maradiva Villas Resort & Spa i Flic en Flac

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MauritiusMaradiva Villas Resort & Spa



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Wolmar, Coastal Road, Flic en Flac, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 403 1500
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.3145098, Longitude: 57.3702199

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jaylene Polton


    Pure luxury living. Rooms are beautiful with outdoor lounge n a plunge pool. Service n staff excellent. Dinner is buffet and freshly prepared. Breakfast freshly prepared and a great variety. It was my first accommodation in mauritius and it helped settle me in. Huge beds and indoor n outdoor shower. I will definitely revisit. Great honeymoon accommodation and lots of privacy n perfect getaway to private suites

  • Alison Hall

    Alison Hall


    Fabulous villa with small private pool to help cool off. Food is outstanding with a new menu each evening as well as regular dishes available each night. It is fine dining in a lovely hotel. You can also dine in your villa using the room service menu or something more special can be arranged. The staff are all so friendly and accommodating. Activities are good too. We liked the bikes which are free for 3 hours, plenty of time to get into the nearby town. Drinks are expensive in the hotel, so a trip into town is well worth it!

  • en

    bsumah bsumah


    A beautiful resort and very quiet .. Kids Club beautiful .. Villas sound old wood floor disturbing

  • Laurence Dale

    Laurence Dale


    Just amazing. Expensive drinks, but what else would you expect? Best in Mauritius

  • Vora Nirav

    Vora Nirav


    All 65 Villa with Pool. Nice Ancient ambience . With Multiple Cusine adding Indian Cusine and shesha Tooo.

nærmeste Spa

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