Hilton Mauritius Resort & Spa i Flic en Flac

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MauritiusHilton Mauritius Resort & Spa


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Wolmar, Coastal Road, 90503, Flic en Flac, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 403 1000
internet side: www3.hilton.com
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Latitude: -20.3085664, Longitude: 57.3669569

kommentar 5

  • Helene Drouilly

    Helene Drouilly


    Nice coastal hotel, with a couple of activities offered and a nice spa. Staff is very friendly. Pity that they don’t provide complementary bottles of water everyday as they don’t recommend to drink tap water.

  • Pete Ross

    Pete Ross


    My wife and I spent our honeymoon here and it was fantastic. The staff is extremely friendly, the Thai restaurant is incredibly good, and there were always plenty of free lounge chairs on the beach. It was expensive, but I doubt it was any more expensive than the surrounding resorts. Another great selling point is the boathouse, they offer free snorkeling, kayaks, pedal boards, and some boat trips which were very cool. I highly recommend this resort.

  • Sam Cartwright

    Sam Cartwright


    Excellent Holiday. Staff friendly and welcoming. We found the food at the buffet (half board) varied and interesting, and especially enjoyed Mauritian night. Lovely adult pool. Great beach. Excellent choice of free activities. This was a special anniversary trip for us, and the honeymoon we never had. The staff made it a very special holiday with lots of special touches to mark the occasion. We were a little frustrated by people leaving their towels on loungers all day, but fortunately the hotel was not full, so we were able to find somewhere to sit eventually. We upgraded our room and really enjoyed the space and decor. The staff work tirelessly to keep the resort looking good and we will aim to come back soon!

  • architectural_tour_london Instagrammer Mike Behar

    architectural_tour_london Instagrammer Mike Behar


    I enjoyed my stay here and the horse riding on the beach was a fantastic highlight for me. The food and service was really nice with freshly made pancakes 🥞 for breakfast being something really special, my favourite ever I think! The hotel and surrounding hotels were all lovely with nice swimming pools and nature.




    The Hilton hotel is nice. It is very close to the beach. The restaurant is very good, though a bit expensive in comparison with the rest Mauritian restaurant. The rooms are nice and clean. However I'm not sure that having a window inside the bathroom (right in front of the toilets) is the best idea, eventhough you can close it. The resort offers a lot of activities. If you want to visit the island, expect to take a taxi as the city in not close to interesting places.

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