Cafe De La Presse i Port Louis

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MauritiusCafe De La Presse



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La Chaussée, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 212 8590
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.1638522, Longitude: 57.5006127

kommentar 5

  • Monisha Koojun

    Monisha Koojun


    Very classy place... Food are super good... Friendly staff... Fast service and take into consideration your specific choice and requirements

  • Lena Sooben

    Lena Sooben


    You absolutely have to try their chocolate milkshake. It is amazing. The only inconvenience is its location.

  • en

    Soomadee Pareatumbee


    Great food, rapid service, a hidden gem in Port louis. I love how it enables you to forget you are in port Louis. The ice mocha was delicious! And the staff is always nice

  • David Dias

    David Dias


    The “Cafe de la Presse” is one the best place you can find in Port-Louis to lunch or just take a coffee. The vintage’s decoration is really nice inside. Try their salads and their desserts, you’ll not regret it!

  • Prashanth Kumar Bachu

    Prashanth Kumar Bachu


    Awesome ambience and tasty food. Open 10 am to 5 pm. Quite crowded during lunch hour. Costs MRU 400/person for full meal. Everything we ate was really good. Will go back again during my stay in the city.

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