Truth Coffee Mauritius i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusTruth Coffee Mauritius



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16, Sir William Newton Street, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 212 7802
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Latitude: -20.1623684, Longitude: 57.5038288

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mathieu Greg


    Nice and quiet place,the cakes are good and the cappuccino are excellent.

  • Tenshi Neko

    Tenshi Neko


    Très bons cafés mais dommage que tout est de la vaisselle jetable notamment en plastique ! Même le jus d'orange dit "fraîchement pressé" est emballé dans des petites bouteilles en plastique...

  • Harshita K

    Harshita K


    Absolutely love the place. Nice decor. Very pleasant and extremely nice staff.

  • en

    Naas Botes


    Awsome food and service. Eat my breakfast sandwich there every morning.

  • Naushad Khadun

    Naushad Khadun


    Nice place for breakfast. Great offer of 6 mini pastries for Rs 100. Coffee is quite decent. If you are used to strong bold coffee you may not be left most satisfied but if you like light coffee this place may well be your thing. Tried the extra coffee shot but it didn't do my Mocha justice. Still a good place yo chill. Having AC inside would have been a major plus because after all.. you're in Port-Louis. Nonetheless, would be glad to go back when in Port-Louis!

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