Bigatton i Grand Baie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Grand Baie, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230
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Latitude: -20.0128595, Longitude: 57.5867218

kommentar 5

  • Eugene Vulakh

    Eugene Vulakh


    Service lady was unfriendly to my kids . They wanted to taste before buying. She wasnt intrested to assist , just carried on doing her own thing. Will not come back!

  • Jeff Romeo

    Jeff Romeo


    Great coffee place

  • en

    Ramy Sweety


    I advice you as I was happily impressed with the Gelatteria Love Biggaton near SuperU (Grand Baie), go there and I promise you won't regret it. They have lots of choices (from mango, coconut, praline, chocolate, vanilla, pineapple, etc - they change it once in a while (even cookies and cakes). They deserve my advertisement as their gelato is amazing. Stuff is not that happy but gelato worths it! 3 gelato = 180 RS (better buy at cone as they will put more so gelato can stick together and not fall) :)

  • en

    LU B NA


    The ice creams and sorbets are among the best in Mauritius. Great variety of flavours and rich taste. However, I can't guarantee outstanding quality on the waffles and crepes. I tried one waffle and it was horrible. Below average. You won't regret going there! It's just beside KFC.

  • sdmaco123456



    Excellent food. Awesome. Really going to miss this food.

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