Artisan Coffee i Cascavelle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusArtisan Coffee



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Cascavelle Shopping Village, Cascavelle, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 212 7802
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.2783715, Longitude: 57.4028057

kommentar 5

  • en

    uthred the great


    nice variety of coffe ans fresh juices

  • en

    henry sabapatee


    to be honest I have had better coffee, but I must say that they are consistent in their drinks. I also love their decor

  • en

    Estie Botes


    Excellent coffee, and their food is delicious. Service is friendly and fast. Their food is very tasty. One of the best in the area.

  • fr

    Michel Colonello


    Café sympa petit problème le wifi ne fonctionnait pas et personne nai regarde malgré que je l'ai signalé.

  • Siddhi Suresh

    Siddhi Suresh


    Great coffee and a variety of fresh juices and drinks. They have a smaller but more manageable menu compared to other coffee shops. But the quality of the drinks are outstanding. The few eatables that they have are great, I tried both the macaroons and the croissants, of which both were amazing. Hoping to see more shops pop up around the island. So far there are only two shops that I am aware of. Definitely worth a visit and everything is very affordable.

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