Café LUX* Caudan i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusCafé LUX* Caudan


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Café LUX* Ltd, Caudan, Marina Quay, Caudan, Port Louis, Mauritius, Port Louis, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 214 1025
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.160863, Longitude: 57.498089

kommentar 5

  • tephanie babet

    tephanie babet


    I definitely fell in love with this place . Food is so good.. and with the marina view on the terace you have the best time...

  • ian commissiong

    ian commissiong


    Great location and the snacks are very delicious. Sometimes you have to wait but it's worth it.

  • en

    Kandi Wah


    Excellent Service as usual for the Lux* Brand. This cafe is located at the center of the waterfront area. Apart from coffee, you can also find a healthy selection on salad and drinks. Their own brand of ice cream, ici, is a must try,too. However, while my visit, there was no chocolate flavor. I once tasted their chocolate ice cream in the resort. It is unforgettable. At last I tried the lemon sorbet and Coconut Devine Frappy. They didn't let me down either. I even purchased the t shirt of Cafe Lux* which is selling in a reasonable price at Rs300.

  • Busgeeth Aso

    Busgeeth Aso


    Lovely place, nice selections of healthy foods, beautiful charming waitresses. A small hic; was the supervisor's attitude and language - harsh towards waitress; which is not fair at all. Cos it just kills the feel good factor. Overall I love Café Lux, and I would recommend it to everyone. Thank you lovely people.

  • Emmanuel Calotte

    Emmanuel Calotte


    Very nice and cozy place. Can get crowded during peak hours. Great service. Wide variety of beverages available and very well presented. Good looking and tasty desserts. A few lunch options available too. Prices can get very steep.

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