Rajiv Gandhi Science Center i Port Louis

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MauritiusRajiv Gandhi Science Center



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Old Moka Road, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 213 2773
internet side: rgsc.govmu.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -20.1732432, Longitude: 57.484472

kommentar 5

  • en

    Akshat Gupta


    Great place to learn physical laws. Host interesting science fairs as well!

  • en

    Prang N


    Great destination for science students to learn about physics cbemistry and Biology. Exposition about formation of Mauritius and basalt rock formation also very interesting. Kids will love the game corner on the 1st floor where thay can have hands on science based games and activities. Must visit place during the annual science week. They provide free entrance to students accompanied by educators.

  • en

    Aisha Ruhomally


    very interesting place ....warmly welcomed by the staff...and was nice to be there

  • DisLiKeD_ FoRtniTe

    DisLiKeD_ FoRtniTe


    Astounding experience. Went there for young mauritians plan for the planet

  • Siddhi Suresh

    Siddhi Suresh


    Visited RGSC mainly during school trips or any science related events. A great place for science students to visit, a lot of knowledge can be gained from your visit here. They have a lot of interactive equipment that kids can test and experiment with in order to understand and test certain theories and what not, it’s a fun and effective, students are able to absorb information better. They also have two outdoor playgrounds. Both are very science based, therefore your visit isn’t just limited to what is available inside the institute. Again it’s interactive and most of the playground equipment are based on physics related theories. Physics students will definitely have a better understanding after testing the equipment present here. Would definitely recommend to bring kids/students here.

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