Aapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site i Port Louis

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MauritiusAapravasi Ghat World Heritage Site



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1, Quay Street, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 217 3158
internet side: www.aapravasighat.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -20.158554, Longitude: 57.5029509

kommentar 5

  • en

    Kharuna Ramrukheea


    Mauritians or foreigners this is a place worth visiting. A unesco preserved heritage, this place is well structured with tour guides who will make you travel through the history of our ancestors. The facility is quite new and modern looking, every possible precaution is taken to preserve the place.

  • Michael Hampel

    Michael Hampel


    Sehr interessante und gut gemachte Ausstellung über den Beginn der Immigration auf Mauritius. Empfehlenswert.

  • Jason Morris

    Jason Morris


    For the first time ever, I have the feeling of how was the life of the immigrants from India. The named doesn't really speak to me but the place does. The amount of information recalling the events of that time is pretty impressing. Place is quite luxury in my opinion and well equipped in terms of technological devices (touch screens) for both adults and kids. Staff is very friendly and entrance is free. I completely recommend.

  • Andrea Herfurth-Schindler

    Andrea Herfurth-Schindler


    Man braucht schon viel Fantasie, um sich vorzustellen, dass hier Tausende von indischen Vertragsarbeitern erstmals ihre neue Heimat betraten. Besser liest man Jean-Marie Gustave Le Clézios Roman "Ein Ort fernab der Welt", um einen authentischen Eindruck zu bekommen, was es bedeutet hat, seine Heimat zu verlassen, weil man sich in der Fremde ein besseres Leben erhoffte.

  • Stefan Krausse

    Stefan Krausse


    Die Erstaufnahmestation der indischen Arbeiter zählt heute zum Weltkulturerbe. Dies ist leider Samstagnachmittag geschlossen.

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