Château de Labourdonnais i Riviere Du Rempart

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MauritiusChâteau de Labourdonnais



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Riviere Du Rempart, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 266 9533
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.0717993, Longitude: 57.6174782

kommentar 5

  • The Vegan Oriental Dancer

    The Vegan Oriental Dancer


    Beautiful area and a cute function hall on the side. Very clean toilets, peaceful night green. I expected more of a chateau! But more colonial style mansion. Great little shop which sells unusual things and also a few vegan bits! The staff are all very nice

  • Fabrice Blanc

    Fabrice Blanc


    Great place, thin tasting is super well organised and staff is really friendly, a must visit if you come to Mauritius

  • en

    Rich W


    Nice grounds and house. Restaurant looked very modern but didn't get to dine. Rum tasting and gift shop. Nice to visit

  • en

    Kritee Chumbhith


    Unique experience! I highly recommend this place. Sample tastings, for labourdonnais products! 👍👍👍👍👍👍

  • Ales Maly

    Ales Maly


    Very nice chateau.. more like colonial house in southern USA. Very nice equipment And presentation of the history. Complete tour for 390rs for adult which means gardens,house And rum degustation. They have very fine rum,I like the vanilla one ;-) bottle cost 660rs which is comparable Price to a big shop.

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