Mauritius Postal Museum i Port Louis

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MauritiusMauritius Postal Museum



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Trunk Road, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 213 4812
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.1599754, Longitude: 57.5016688

kommentar 5

  • Jason Morris

    Jason Morris


    I heard about it so I decided to go and see by myself. There are several boards on the wall for readers who wants to learn thoroughly about the history of the post. As well as many objects which depicts how the post office functioned back in time. There is also an enlarged version of the so famous penny black stamp. Stamps archive are available on the first floor. Entrance fee for locals is Rs50 and Rs200 approximately for tourists I think.

  • en

    Tara Fabien


    its really nice and interesting

  • en

    Kandi Wah


    It is the best place for stamps lovers. Also, a great place to learn about the history of Mauritius Postal services. From the British Colonial Postal Ways till now, it is shown clearly. Even for kids, they have prepared the cute little explanation for kids to understand easily. They have the collection on stamps since the beginning. The stamps are so pretty and many of them are detailedly portrait or drawn. Personally, I love the theme of the ships, the maps, the sugar cane factories. They all represent the development of the Island. Worth a visit to this wonderful museum. Other than this, you can also purchase some beautiful postcards here. The stamps can be bought on the other side of the museum.

  • en

    Ming Cheung


    Wonderful, the stamp are beatiful

  • Pillay Sa

    Pillay Sa


    a must go when visiting Mauritius and port Louis.

nærmeste Museum

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