Grand Ocean City Chinese Restaurant i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusGrand Ocean City Chinese Restaurant


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Water Front Caudan, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 211 8357
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Latitude: -20.1609308, Longitude: 57.4986367

kommentar 5

  • Louis Leung

    Louis Leung


    Good Hong Kong Style Chinese food and excellent Service

  • Maurice Bloggeur

    Maurice Bloggeur


    The waiter was more paying attention to the order of 3 tourists and took nearly 30 mins to come and take our order!..

  • en

    Anekha Punchoo


    The food was good, specially the whole steamed fish. Always better to have a reservation.

  • en

    Jacques Tow Nam


    Nice airconditioned restaurant. View of seaport and Caudan Waterfront. Excellent chinese food.

  • Rene Vinderslev / Rimiri Ltd

    Rene Vinderslev / Rimiri Ltd


    Top quality Chinese food in Port Louis ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The staff and the owner is very very nice and helpful if there was something you didn’t understand and Peking duck was amazing, we where there in 3 out of 4 night in the city and ordered again Peking Duck the last night we were in the city. We will be back next time we are in town 🙏

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