Kimchi House i Port Louis

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MauritiusKimchi House



🕗 åbningstider

Queen Street, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauricio
kontakter telefon: +230 5717 2689
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Latitude: -20.1587838, Longitude: 57.5056004

kommentar 5

  • Yash Dowlut

    Yash Dowlut


    Food was great! The waitress was very nice. And the place itself was very neat and good looking. I would have rated it 5/5. But because of the annoying cahier that kept on blabbering on the phone (with loudspeakers on) for hours, even while serving you, I am giving it only 3/5. She clearly disregarded the fact that she was disturbing her clients and kept on speaking loudly. This is unacceptable to me. I will revise my review if this problem is taken care of.

  • Mathieu François Moutou

    Mathieu François Moutou


    Good service and high quality food. They were about to close but still took us in and the service and the food were impeccable. Highly recommendable.

  • en

    Nicolas L'Eveillé


    Quality food at an affordable price. Highly recommended.

  • en

    Yashveen Hurry


    I never knew Mauritius had a Korean restaurant. Owned by Koreans as well so its quite authentic, and they obviously have the Korean bbq set-up where you grill your own meat. The food was good but they could improve on their quality of meat and increase the portions as well. Service is good and the menu is well priced. They have a little corner where you can buy Korean snacks, that's always a great touch. Great for little meetups and a quick bite. Will be visiting again soon.

  • Anshuman Domah

    Anshuman Domah


    Great Experience, great food! It was my first experience of having Korean BBQ and i really liked it. The Place is Quaint and unapologetically Korean. 5 stars!

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