Lambic Restaurant and Bar i Port Louis

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MauritiusLambic Restaurant and Bar



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Saint Georges Street, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 212 6011
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Latitude: -20.1652494, Longitude: 57.4999013

kommentar 5

  • David Berkowitz

    David Berkowitz


    Pros: great beer (Flying Dodo blonde), but a server insisted I couldn’t have any around lunch until a manager intervened. Good fries (would be nice to have malt vinegar with fish and chips though). Cons: they said the wild boar was the specialty, but it was tough and overcooked and needed a steak knife. The fish with the fish and chips was nearly inedible. They wouldn’t make pasta with butter or plain tomato sauce for a kid even though they had four pasta dishes on the menu - the first place I’ve been to anywhere in the world that wouldn’t just serve plain pasta when they actually had it. And the bread at the start was outright stale - also inedible.

  • Juana Menzel

    Juana Menzel


    Salat war leider alt..ei schon ganz schwarz am Rand.. bürger und beilage eher unatraktieve und auch nicht lecker, mein Mann hat die Hälfte zurück geschickt. wenn man vom 5 sterne Hotel kommt ist das leider echt eine Enttäuschung...bedienung war aber sehr nett und das lokal ist hübsch eingerichtet.

  • en

    Shubhda Gujadhur


    I love hanging out here. Super chilled place for a meeting or date in the city. Very laid back atmosphere with a plethora of beers available. There are bus stations and taxi services that you can have access to very easily right by there if you happen to have enjoyed one too many beers. They also have pretty tasty veggie options! Which is awesome. Be sure to try out their aubergine bakes. They're super yummy!

  • martin baumann

    martin baumann


    Eine Perle für Biertrinker inmitten der Hauptstadt. Immer ein Besuch wert.

  • Rene Dolling

    Rene Dolling


    Lecker und trozdem günstig in einem kleinen süßen Hinterhof

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