Courts Mammouth Mauritius i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusCourts Mammouth Mauritius



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Menagerie Road Brabant Street Bel Village, Port Louis 11202, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 207 1100
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.1675569, Longitude: 57.4863478

kommentar 5

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    Pascal J Petricher


    The process is too lengthy

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    Frenky Narsimoutou


    Not too bad

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    hismet phutully


    hi..service need to also....the delivery workers need to know how to adress to customers....we pay the products so after sales must be perfect....wat about the lottery results...

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    Gurumitra Kandhayasing


    If I could rate zero star I would. They mislead people in what they have to sell. I go to their showroom at riche terre and they display a product on sale that they do not even have. I go to their showroom at port louis and it is the same. They display delivery for orders greater than rs3000 and when you go to their showroom at r.hill where they supposedly have the product in store and they say they cannot do delivery. Do you want to do business or not? Why do you not care about your customers and try to make a sale? The company was 'under fire' once and its not changed. At this moment, I feel discouraged to buy anything at courts and will discourage as many people I can from buying anything there by sharing my experience. Thank you very much for what you do courts.. big thumbs down

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    Josian Laro


    Giod placw to find home furniture and appliances both on cash or credit.

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