Bagatelle - Mall of Mauritius i Moka

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MauritiusBagatelle - Mall of Mauritius



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Moka, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 468 8555
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Latitude: -20.2248222, Longitude: 57.4959611

kommentar 5

  • en

    Alan Pike


    The best mall in Mauritius where most items you may require can be purchased. It is a pity that although there is a household section it is not possible to purchase any actual hardware as in plumbing and electrical fittings. Not meaning lights and taps

  • Sandip Kaitoo

    Sandip Kaitoo


    Nice place. Big parking area. Either its shopping or eating its a nice place to hang out. Open till 22hr or 23hr weekdays.

  • zaheeb muslim

    zaheeb muslim


    My favorite of all malls here in Mauritius! I just about find everything i need there. So many shops/options to choose from and their prices are not that expensive as well. Lots of parking space although on a month end, this may not be the case. When its difficult to find a parking in the main parking area, please check the parking area at the back! They generally have lots of free slots there and easier access to the mall than the front parking !

  • en

    Andy Coles


    Great shopping centre all air conditioned and our taxi driver told us it was cheaper to shop there than in the centre of Port Louis. Good selection of shops but no souvenir shops if that's what your after. Or at least I didn't notice any!

  • Preeya Bhinda

    Preeya Bhinda


    Great place to go grab a meal or some coffee with friends. The mall is great with lots of choices of branded outlets. I really appreciate that the mall is always tastefully decorated for events.

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