Emerald Park Shopping Centre i Quatre Bornes

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusEmerald Park Shopping Centre



🕗 åbningstider

Quatre Bornes, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -20.253394, Longitude: 57.4915432

kommentar 5

  • Adventure Travel, with Mervin

    Adventure Travel, with Mervin


    Emerald Park Shopping Centre: very well located with adequate parking. The business are all clean , shopping at Emerald Park can be done in a relaxed mode as it never seems to be over crowded. Enjoy 🤗👍

  • Sandy Veerasamy Curpen

    Sandy Veerasamy Curpen


    Mr Bricolage has good offers, specially when its promo time. Now one has to visit pride mark and ah-ling

  • stephane lee

    stephane lee


    No real shops to go to there. Missing nice food court and nice little shopsr

  • en

    Alan Pike


    I shop mostly at Mr Bricolage for household hardware. Their curtains are reasonably priced and we'll made. Most of the other items are French which are not always suitable for a country where the main installations were constructed with British Standards

  • Joy Pattoo

    Joy Pattoo


    Good parking area. Mr Bricolage is a great DYI store. Ah-ling world is good also for shopping for kids' stuff.

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