Wellkin Hospital i Moka

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MauritiusWellkin Hospital



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Moka, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 605 1000
internet side: www.wellkinhospital.com
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Latitude: -20.233085, Longitude: 57.502686

kommentar 5

  • Niladri Ghoshal

    Niladri Ghoshal


    I strongly recomand not to go for this Hospital. I called wellkin ambulance on 3rd July as one of my friend was seriously ill and unconscious. Then they came and they found a bottle of vodka inside the room and they decided that illnes was due to that alcohol intoxication and also told us blood pressure was normal. They left as they won't treat a person with alcohol intoxication with travel insurance. But shockingly, everything they told us was totally wrong. When we went to govt. Doctor and did all the tests come to know there was no trace of alcohol in blood. Even he had a stroke and his blood pressure was high and yeaterday we lost him. The wellkin guys looked like police rather doctors. With a bottle of vodka in a room they decide everything. If you want live avoid Wellkin.

  • Amal Auckloo

    Amal Auckloo


    The service has degraded over the past year. The doctors are still very helpful though. It's the supporting services that's very slow and not reliable. Mixing patient appointments. Rude towards people who are confused. The pharmacy service is worst. With 3 people working the counter, it takes them over 30 mins to serve 3 clients. They have IT equipment that not working. At one point one of the counter staff just turns her back to someone who was asking a question and just leave without any excuse.

  • Luxmi Anodin

    Luxmi Anodin


    Been there with my husband for his sugery, the staff are very professional and helpful. I would definitely recommend Welkin to any one. + the way you treat people you will get the same response. From the café staff to the nurses, doctors and security officers they are all well mannered people. My special attention to the lady in the café, she has been very nice to me on my each and every visit

  • Manjula D. Thiam

    Manjula D. Thiam


    My grandmother is currently hospitalised there and has experienced the worst service ever. The nurses are unprofessional and sometimes mean to her, have to be asked to give her her medications and change her IV fluids. They do not test water temperatures when giving her her bath. They used very hot water on her, and when she told them, they switched to very cold water, probably out of spite. If you can't be professional, a minimum caring and treat (sick) people with respect, you should not be a nurse. The administration seems useless as well since complaining about such behaviour from nurses has changed nothing. I hope my family and I will never have to use their services again.

  • Francesca Fanchette

    Francesca Fanchette


    Honestly am very much deceived.I've been here so many times in the past 5-6 years but since last year I've noticed the service has become poor.Quality is and consistency has disappeared. If I could rate 0 I definitely would have.

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