Dr AG Jeetoo Hospital (Civil) i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusDr AG Jeetoo Hospital (Civil)



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Volcy Pougnet Street (ex-rue Madame), Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 203 1001
internet side: health.govmu.org
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -20.1689972, Longitude: 57.5021551

kommentar 5

  • en

    Disha Ramnial


    Omg worst hospital in the world Very bad service n so its staffs also My dad was ill ..very serious ..one day he got discharged from L-0 GENERAL WARD n there staffs provided him with a van instead of an ambulance wer a person can lay ...then after waiting for hrs for such an ambulance again we got call n went to hospital again Zey again said to wait 5 mins ..it was around 7pm n we got ambulance for home at 8pm My dad again admitted to zat idiot hospital..yesteday he got discharged n we found that wen we went to vist him at 3:30...zer a medical servant told us to go home he ll provide us wiz ambulance soon n zey ll call also as we live nearby hospital but alas my dad is not yet home since yesterday ...n more surprising is that they didnt bother to call also n inform us y ambulance didnt come to leave dad home My dad cant walk zats y we have to depend on ambulance n we are not people who can afford high private medical care...we are helpless that we have to depend on these good for nothing government services Dear friends ...i think its high time to raise our voice on these things because HEALTH COMES FIRST !!!thank u and plz do think about my review on DR AG JEETOO HOSPITAL

  • Mahesh Bugnath

    Mahesh Bugnath


    @ the negative reviews: start paying taxes or pay more instead of just offloading the free services. Nek plaigner kan ene ferfout zot pa payer

  • Jay Bhikoo

    Jay Bhikoo


    It's a public hospital, professional staff in the cardiac unit, modern equipment. Very helpful and kind people. I liked my stay there.

  • Babita Mitchell

    Babita Mitchell


    I have had both good and bad service here. Bad because the doctors do not tell their patients what is wrong with them....hello!!! I wonder whether they do not know hence... doctors in Mauritius are still stuck on cloud nine thinking they are gods, so most of the times people have to remind them they are deluding themselves. GOOD because i am a trained nurse, so they cannot fool me, even if they were gods. The hospital is a neat little place where there is free care for everyone even visitors. Remember to ask what the diagnosis is and what happens next cos it is not exactly obvious.

  • Kresh F

    Kresh F


    The night service provided by DR AG Jeetoo Hospital is simply amazing & "irreproçhable" with very quick service:- 1) Good customer care by Doctor 2) Quick Blood Pressure checkup 3) ECG performed without long wait 4) "Serom" service available 5) No parking problem at night 6) Above all, its a free service ☺

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