Star Cinema i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusStar Cinema


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Le Pavillon, Le Caudan Waterfront, Port Louis, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 211 6866
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.1608087, Longitude: 57.498132

kommentar 5

  • kevin jd

    kevin jd


    The best cinema theatre in mauritius.

  • Marcuss Terence

    Marcuss Terence


    The premium theater is amazing. I had a first class experience. Star Cinema is the pioneer in this concept in Mauritius. You will get the feeling of being exclusive and important while entering the modern private lounge which is reserved for premium guests. The soft lighting and comfortable sofas create a cozy environment. You can enjoy a cold/hot beverage while waiting for the screening or opt to consume it in the theater. Access to the theater is gained on a red carpet like VIPs. The chairs inside are ultra comfortable and reclining. They can be also be converted into bed. Pillows and quilts are available. You will be served with a delicious pop corn which has been cooked in truffle oil. The cinema offers a unique and exceptional cinematographic experience with a great sound system. The theater can also be used for corporate events. Thanks to Akbar for the wonderful customer care.

  • en

    deepak gunputh


    Its Number one in mauritius in the field of cinema. Cozy place. High quality image and sound. Love it.

  • Ryan Hayabusa

    Ryan Hayabusa


    There is top movie playing there

  • Davin M. Pottayya

    Davin M. Pottayya


    Very Good Experience & Comfortable!

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