Star Cinema Bagatelle i Moka

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusStar Cinema Bagatelle


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Bagatelle Mall of Mauritius, Moka, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 468 8126
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Latitude: -20.224329, Longitude: 57.4977086

kommentar 5

  • Wajidha Noorally

    Wajidha Noorally


    Clean and spacious theatre. Pictures 3-D movies as well.

  • en

    Reyhan Raheem


    Shows all the big blockbuster movies, so u kinda have to go there to catch the good movies. The viewing experience is excellent, but customer care n service for buying tickets, pop corn is very poor and queues tend to get seriously ridiculous at times. So get your tickets early and be patient

  • en

    Caulloo Geenish


    Great atmosphere... got 6 screens.. nice seat and clean... only thing..not much snacks and drink varieties available there are limited and also seats are not if you want to watch a newly released movie. for example Avengers Infinity. i had to wait 90 minutes in the queue(tickets in hand).. if you have not bought your tickets, well another queue for at least 1 hr waiting time...

  • Saajid Vawda

    Saajid Vawda


    The halls are good. The movies usually come out 2-3 weeks after the worldwide releases, there is no online booking or reserved seating, and usually only one showing in English per day. It's probably the best cinema chain in Mauritius, but it's not like we have much of a choice.

  • Desire G.R. Moutou

    Desire G.R. Moutou


    Lacks the bells & whistles of those outside Mauritius but the best in terms of comfort, quality & accessibility ... just wish it can get the licence for all movies so we can really have only great cinematic experience.

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