Place Victoria Bus Terminal i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusPlace Victoria Bus Terminal


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Port Louis, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.162978, Longitude: 57.497999

kommentar 5

  • Josh Kowlessur

    Josh Kowlessur


    Many buses can b taken there. Especially if you want to visit the south of Mauritius. Small food court available and many shops. Bus travel to: Curepipe, Bagatelle, St Pierre, Mahebourg, Bord Cascade, Riviere Des Gallet, Ebene, Réduit, Venus, Rose-Hill, Shoprite, etc...

  • ian commissiong

    ian commissiong


    I have never traveled like this on public transportation. I would do it again and again. The drivers are really good drivers.

  • en

    Jamie Wheatley


    Very big but as last reviewer says there is method to the madness

  • G C

    G C


    can be fun but for pro toutists...

  • Ian Cross

    Ian Cross


    It might look like chaos at first, but travelling by public transport is fun in Mauritius. You have time to look at places off the beaten track, as the bus wends its way around the neighbourhoods. Much slower than a taxi, but definitely worth doing. Inexpensive. Sit back and watch the world go by at a sedate pace.

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