Immigration Square i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusImmigration Square


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Abattoir Road, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230
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Latitude: -20.1580962, Longitude: 57.5047194

kommentar 5

  • en

    jamel jensen



  • Terry Simmons

    Terry Simmons


    Organised chaos. Noisy, dusty, CHEAP FARES !!!

  • Ryan Michael

    Ryan Michael


    Busy hustling and bustling place, but the best place to catch a bus all around the city.

  • Josef Bílek

    Josef Bílek


    For a tourist maybe too chaotic place but you will always find someone from the drivers or staff who willingly help you to find the right bus.

  • Michel Vincent

    Michel Vincent


    Very risky and dirty place. The pedestrian crossing in front is so dangerous. Too many people for such a small but spilled infrastructure. 50 m wide and 500 long... You have to walks for minutes to get your bus. The toilets are so terrible that it should be considered as torture or attempt to one's life if he goes inside. You are surrounded by scorching sun noises and soot from vehicles and thick layers of dust all other the place.

nærmeste Busstoppested

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