Mari Deal Ltd i Grand Baie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusMari Deal Ltd



🕗 åbningstider

1st Floor, Luigis building, Royal Road, Grand Bay, B13, Grand Baie, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 263 2769
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.0074626, Longitude: 57.5819206

kommentar 5

  • Fabien Dumolard

    Fabien Dumolard



  • Tania Kwok

    Tania Kwok


    Mari deal's concept is a nice one. But what is too bad is that the service sucks! everything goes well as long as the process is not disrupted. Unfortunately for me, I had to cancel a booking and it's TWO weeks that I asked for an amended voucher. Didn't even ask for a refund. There is no follow up. They tell you yeah we'll do the necessary but then nothing! I'm really disappointed. There is no way I'll book through marideal again

  • Liz Boydell

    Liz Boydell


    Beautiful hotel. Great food

  • Nathalie Bocchia

    Nathalie Bocchia


    Booked a hotel. Received a Booking Confirmation from Marideal by email a few hours later. Called the hotel the next day at lunchtime. They did not have my booking and had no rooms left for my dates. Called Marideal who confirmed that there had been a problem and they could not confirm the booking but that they would pay me back... From what I could tell, Marideal had no idea that there was an issue with the booking. Or if they did, why didn't they give me any warning? What would have happened if I hadn't called the hotel? (my booking was for the following day, so it's not like they could take their time to warn me!) My advice: don't trust these guys. And if you decide to use their services anyway, check everything twice!

  • Anushka Gopeechund

    Anushka Gopeechund


    Good spa deals.. Now you also accumulate loyalty points that you can use to purchase deals..

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