Cote D'Azur Travel & Tours i Pereybere

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MauritiusCote D'Azur Travel & Tours


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Royal Road, Pereybere 30546, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 5925 2550
internet side:
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Latitude: -19.99442, Longitude: 57.591662

kommentar 5

  • en

    Zair Boodoo


    Good Driver and very flexible. Keep it up and good services Thanks.

  • en

    Ally Nauzeer Ally


    Truthfully and best Guide in Mauritius. We enjoyed our holiday with Cote d'Azur Travel & Tours and we were very happy to choose the best transport with Wifi and welcoming drinks full of information about the island with lots of historical knowledge. Thanks Cote D'azur again. We recommend others to book their transport and airport transfer. Nice Discovering .

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    Steward James


    The South tour was TOP. Highly recommended. Zaheer, our tour guide was great and friendly and very helpful and knowledgeable of what he was telling. Everything that was on the itinerary was followed. That is why it was really worth every penny spent and paid on this tour. He speaks English well. He even gave us consideration and time in some places. He really went to that extra mile so that we, his guest will really have a good time with our tour. The Best tour in Mauritius. Two thumbs up for Mr. Zaheer and Pereybere Hotel & Spa team as they are all connected as a professional team.It is only now I understand that how they create the Pioneer of Pereybere.

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    Mustapha Boojhawoonah


    Brand new Tour Operator but with an excellent customer Service Skills and Experience.This is highly a very good address to organize all your transport logistics and Sightseeing Tours.

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    Ali Abdoollah


    Trustworthy,Reliable and Safety Even My flight was delayed by 3 hours and this information was not communicated to the Taxi Shuttle service, they were on the spot upon walking out from the Airport Hall.. Pick up was excellent with refreshment and free Wifi on board and top of that they organize our tour throughout the island. I highly recommend this Tour Operator.

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