Anelia Villas & Spa i Flic en Flac

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MauritiusAnelia Villas & Spa


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Coastal Road, Flic en Flac, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 601 8533
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.275605, Longitude: 57.37068

kommentar 5

  • en

    sumi pillai


    It's the best place one can stay at Mauritius. Best place for couple's. u have beach attached to the resort. The villas are well maintained and if u have a private tym out u should go for villa's .villa have sitting space outside the villa all greenery .from the main entrance/dinner hall u Wil have to walk little for the villas

  • kapil anand

    kapil anand


    Love this hotel... surrounded by sea...private clean beach...having facility of snorking, Kayak, Scuba .... Nice international ameriacn style food .... Cons...Veg options are less....salt is less...Pros...No of service....Room quality... Happily lovely environment....must visit Mauritius and specially Amelia hotel and spa..

  • en



    A very beautiful resort by the beach. The food is amazing. A very good choice in the breakfast & dinner buffet menu. The service is amazing. Chef Naga and his team is doing a great job with the wide range of delicious food. The rooms are clean and nicely maintained.

  • en

    Nagamanoj D S


    This is one of The best resort where you can get Indian food

  • en

    Gvs Kumar


    Good ambience , Pool is good , food is good , What can we expect better than this

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