Villa Osumare Guest House Bed and Breakfast i Flic en Flac

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MauritiusVilla Osumare Guest House Bed and Breakfast


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10 avenue moulin cassé, Flic en Flac, Mauricio
kontakter telefon: +230 453 8658
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Latitude: -20.273649, Longitude: 57.3722523

kommentar 5

  • Katka Maršíková

    Katka Maršíková


    Ubytování předčilo naše očekávání. Kousek od pláže, klidné, čisté, každý den úklid (kromě neděle), výborná snídaně na terase, personál vynikající, wi-fi, trezor, klimatizace...vše potřebné v dosahu, včetně centra Flic en Flac. Abi je skvělý, rád poradí. Nejvíc nás dostala mapa s popisem restaurace kam určitě nemáme chodit :D parkování možné v zahradě. Je to bezpečné místo, od 22 hod zamčené. Pokud budete potřebovat, tak Vám i vyperou. DOPORUČUJEME všemi deseti.

  • Thomas Nybelen

    Thomas Nybelen


    Beautiful little guesthouse. Owner is very friendly and gives advises about what to do in Mauritius!

  • sk

    Pavel Kovacs


    Ciste izby, upratovane kazdy den, jednoduche a chutne ranajky, mily personal. Hostitel Abi je tiez velmi priatelsky a rad poradi s vyletmi po ostrove. Priblizne 100m od plaze.

  • Peter Wiegel

    Peter Wiegel


    our stay was 31 Oct - 7 Nov. 2017 A very nice and clean small Guesthouse on the outskirts of the village but very close to the beach and to the restaurants, shops and supermarket SPAR. Also a very good PIZZERIA bakery over there. The beaches of Flic en Flac are very nice and very good for long hours of walking. Also all the busses you can use for traveling all around. We have hired two days a scooter 500rps per/day. Diving very close. Mr. 'Tommy Cooper' the owner is very nice and helpful person, also his staff for take care of rooms and breakfast. You get worth for your money. We will come back

  • Amrit Singh

    Amrit Singh


    Had a wonderful stay at villa osumare... Owener is so helpful and staff here is so polite and helpful wondeeful stay.

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