Thomas Cook Mauritius i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusThomas Cook Mauritius



🕗 åbningstider

Intendance Street, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauricio
kontakter telefon: +230 213 4141
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.1633898, Longitude: 57.503443

kommentar 5

  • Peter Kivuva

    Peter Kivuva


    Moneygram forex exchange higher than average. Travel booking very good. Overall service by employees very good. Moneygram and forex is the part fairly expensive compared to alternatives.

  • Cynthia - K

    Cynthia - K


    Friendly staff and cosy atmosphere.

  • Milton Vaz

    Milton Vaz


    Thank you Thomas Cook Mauritius for a most memorable holiday!! Special thanks to Vikram and Jervin for taking the extra effort and prompt service for making our holiday extra special!!

  • la

    Legentil Vivana


    Viviana legentil 😎😍😋😅☺😇😂😗😂😅☺😆😘😂😘😘😊😅😁😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • en

    Mauritian Travellery


    Worse Experience ever..Thomas cook/ MoneyGram Agent in Chemin-Grenier has the worst customer service! Opens & Closes at the desired time of the people working there-3pm most days. if you go there your phone rings you are not allowed to answer as per policy over there but the security working there will be talking on his mobile phone about his weekend while telling you that. To top it off once you made sure they are aware of your inconvenience they make sure to make your experience horrible( sometimes system is down or other times they will make you wait while the security guy fills out all the Indians forms) then the guy will get off the phone ( personal call) and start dealing with them while saying you have to wait as the guys were before you. Funny thing is the security guy who work there( either sleeping or on personal call) can have a job like this when he is clearly incapable on staying awake or abiding by the policy. Unless you decide to change the management or better training I shall not be back there again, Hope you understand and proper actions would be taken. kind Regards, A Loyal Customer

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