Panarottis Pizza Express Quatre-Bornes i Quatre Bornes

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MauritiusPanarottis Pizza Express Quatre-Bornes



🕗 åbningstider

Saint Jean Road, Quatre Bornes, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 454 9600
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.2653675, Longitude: 57.4795675

kommentar 5

  • Ameerah Ahmine

    Ameerah Ahmine


    Loved the service! The food was great. The waiters there are very friendly and helpful.

  • en

    nevin cuneapen


    I have order 2 pizza at 18 30 now it’s 20 28 I have not got delivery of the pizza very disappointed

  • en

    ash spikyboy


    The food is very delicious there, the only problem is i had to wait at least 20 mins to get a parking space

  • jamal peerbocus

    jamal peerbocus


    Panarottis Pizza is so tasteful and satisfying that it makes the eyes roll back in pleasure. It 's an affordable ticket to a voyage of tastes warmful to the tongue and emotions. It suits every moods. Panarottis is the place to be for a pleasurable moment with family, friends or life partner. At last, Panarottis pizza is never enough.

  • kayal sunil R

    kayal sunil R


    Best pizzas in quatre bornes. Takes bit more time if you have to do take away.. but tastes the best. My personal choice.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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