Manisa Hotel i Mauritius Islands

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MauritiusManisa Hotel



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Coastal Road - Mauritius Islands, Mauritius Islands, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 453 8550
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Latitude: -20.284635, Longitude: 57.364762

kommentar 5

  • en

    Raviteja G


    Best vegetarian food in mauritius. Good varieties of Vegetarian food will available.Staff service is excellent and very obedient. Rooms are having low light and cockroaches and lizards are there in the is costly .glass water costs 150 Indian rupees.

  • Ateesh Dwivedi

    Ateesh Dwivedi


    Few things they have been fed back by many in the past, but haven't improved. This is not a 3 star hotel by wild chances. No hot water in rooms. They don't even understand that this can be an issue when told. Dinner choices are very limited. Don't expect anything other than north Indian food ordinarily prepared. Breakfast spread is decent, hence the 1 star. Avoid staying here if possible. There are plenty of places on the very same road. Thomas Cook books here if not explicitly told not to book here.

  • en

    Mooneswar Dyal


    Good for lunch and dinner

  • en

    Vasudev Patil


    It's okay... Wi-Fi and Room service with daily breakfast menu should be improved.

  • Sumit Kumar Mangal

    Sumit Kumar Mangal


    If you are looking for good veg food then this hotel is good. Room is very small in size and room service is also not good

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