LUX* Grand Gaube i Grand Gaube

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MauritiusLUX* Grand Gaube



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Coastal Road, Grand Gaube 30617, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 204 9191
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.002344, Longitude: 57.659766

kommentar 5

  • 黄璟



    The most beautiful hotel in here without doubt. Can’t believe how considerable the services are. Food here is also delicious that worth to try.

  • en

    Kevin Rajoo


    Lovely hotel with excellent customer service. Sanjeev from front office was welcoming and professional. Will definitely go there again

  • en

    Blue Lefevre


    Dinner, or even more amazing : Breakfast! They have 4 restaurants as they will try to make you try all of them if you stay at the hotel! A waiter, will properly look after your need, and you won't have to call the next course, perfect service with reasonable price! Amazing bar, stunning breakfast (they literally have EVERYTHING, a breakfast show. Located on the beach with still a pool, activities for kids, private parking, CINEMA! A 5* hotel first, restaurant after.

  • en

    Agneta Lindberg


    What a place! This is a gorgeous looking resort, with everything you can possibly want for your holiday. The health - and it's great trainers - was impressively with a very well equipped strength and cardio section. The activities - and the great coaches - were manifold and there were many different sections to the beach so you could get exactly the type of experience you're looking for. Loved it!

  • Adventure Travel, with Mervin

    Adventure Travel, with Mervin


    Very nice stay had a great time. Did some Pedalo, Kayaking & Windsurfing 😊 just being adventurous. The delicious food and very friendly staff was extra +++'s. As the hotel just recently been renovated & redecorated, minor flaws can be expected, BUT setting your mind to have a good time ......

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