Labourdonnais, un château dans la nature i Mapou

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MauritiusLabourdonnais, un château dans la nature



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Beau Plateau Road, Mapou, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 266 9533
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.0727082, Longitude: 57.6175216

kommentar 5

  • Christopher Godden

    Christopher Godden


    Had a nice tour of the Chataue and fantastic lunch at the restaurant on the gounds

  • Adventure Travel, with Mervin

    Adventure Travel, with Mervin


    Very nice plantation house with lots of open garden area, which is ideal for what it's being used for such as wedding ceremonies, group luncheons & or dinner, end of year parties etc. The building & lawn looks well maintained & clean.

  • Xavier MALPARTY

    Xavier MALPARTY


    Beautiful place for seminar and other night-party. The park is very pleasant and far from inhabitants (so making noise is possible). But the castle it self is not the best architecture ever and finally doesn't bring any pkus-value to your event...

  • Janis Sussick

    Janis Sussick


    Very nice castle and gardens with Turtles, Oranges and Sugar plants. The ticket to the castle includes a small Rum-Tasting. We could each choose 2 out of 10 different flavoured Rums.

  • en

    Madavee Ramasawmy


    Come and discover the Chateau constructed between 1856 - 1859 by Christian Wiehe. The colonial house still belongs to the same family, decorated in British and French styles, marvellous wall papers and furniture, chandeliers. The 5 tortoises will be glad to say hello. Discover our ancient orchards with their variety of fruits and spices.

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