La Cuvette Public Beach i Grand Baie

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MauritiusLa Cuvette Public Beach


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La Cuvette Public Beach, Grand Baie, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230
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Latitude: -20.0073929, Longitude: 57.578278

kommentar 5

  • Adventure Travel, with Mervin

    Adventure Travel, with Mervin


    La Cuvette Public Beach Mauritius: La Cuvette meaning the tub as to say the beach is almost the size of a bath tub, but don't get it wrong, it's a very nice small beach. Being there for a day can be cool as their are quite a few Mauritian food and beverage stalls with table and chairs, if you bring your own there are lots of trees to picnic and relax under. While there they were some children playing football on a small area and they were really having fun👍

  • Motur Suraj

    Motur Suraj


    Car parking is a problem

  • Jean-Claude Provencal

    Jean-Claude Provencal


    Beautiful small beach!

  • it

    Kamini Polygadu


    La cuvetta public beach è bellissimo. Un Mare splendido

  • en

    Arjun Sarup


    A rather small beach next to Grand Bay, with an adjacent parking lot.

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