Kentucky Fried Chicken i Beau Bassin-Rose Hill

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MauritiusKentucky Fried Chicken



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Pere Laval Street, Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 432 1601
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Latitude: -20.2348659, Longitude: 57.4705487

kommentar 5

  • en

    Galvaworx Ltd


    Food is some times nice, as excpected, hot and tasty, chips freshly made and crisp, but most times average, barely hot and soggy chips Staff are mostly welcoming but some times you can see they had a long day

  • en

    selven saminathen


    KFC is not what it used to be anymore. Food is always greasy and they make it a must to miss something out of your order every 2 times through drive-through. The fries are not crispy as they used to be, and you do not have any extra sauces added for free now. They removed mash and gravy from their menu and never plan to put it back again. The only thing that is still worth going for is the KFC chicken salad, but if you want a really nice rounder there are many other much more tastier and healthier alternatives nearby.

  • Bauttoo jerome

    Bauttoo jerome


    Was a nice place last time to spend time with friends. Some workers didn't have a smile or a sense of service. They are just there to work. Really dislike KFC.

  • Tequila Rizim

    Tequila Rizim


    KFC ordering and paying service is different in Mauritius, with waiting time at peak times upto 10 mins to be served... However quality of chicken and coating, seemed much more succulent and tasty compared to UK version, which is also finger licking good. Prices compared to UK is 1.3x more for a meal

  • Mr. J Vicky Rampudaruth

    Mr. J Vicky Rampudaruth


    Good service. Some use of modern tech. Not clear if can order before coming. Little variety or new menu item.

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