Hotel Des 2 Mondes Resorts & Spa i Mont Choisy

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MauritiusHotel Des 2 Mondes Resorts & Spa


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Coastal Road Mont Choisy, Mont Choisy, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 265 7777
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.0204277, Longitude: 57.5569583

kommentar 5

  • Vaisakh H

    Vaisakh H


    Spacious rooms and near to beach, good staff. Will get all services you want .

  • Lionel Messi

    Lionel Messi


    Good place to relax

  • Carol Kim Soo

    Carol Kim Soo


    Great place💖

  • Jana Jovic

    Jana Jovic


    The rooms are spacious and the beach is just 200m away. The staff is very friendly, respectful and attentive. English, French and Creol are spoken :) great value for money! Great for families, due to connecting rooms. The beach is beautiful and there is a small soccer (football) field right infront if the hotel. Little insider: next to a small breakfast buffet they provide served breakfast: crepe, croissant, fruits, cheese and a big piece of ham on a plate. I am a fruit and veggy lover and asked them kindly if I could have just that for breakfast and voila, right the next morning I had cooked veggies (not salted which i love, cause you can spice it up yourself) and fruits. They also have a parking for approx. 6 cars. The pictures on their website are very accurate. You know what you get! There are just a few restaurants in walking distance.

  • Yasser Sookrah

    Yasser Sookrah


    A small hotel with swimming pools and good parking is situated next to Choisi public beach, within 3 minutes of walk. The beach is very clean, with white sand. There is also possiblity for fishing, diving, and many other sea water activities. There is also a football ground where anyone can play football or even do jogging. It is also situated in a place where the weather is most of the time very beautiful. The hotel also provides breakfast, lunch and dinner. Wifi is free.

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