Food Lover's Market i Moka

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MauritiusFood Lover's Market



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Bagatelle Mall of Mauritius, Moka, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 414 0003
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Latitude: -20.2258796, Longitude: 57.4975192

kommentar 5

  • en

    richard mallie


    je trouve l choix limite a food lovers, les prix aussi sont pas tres friendly comme dirait l'autre.

  • Bijou Mwaura

    Bijou Mwaura


    I am able to shop for fresh fruit and vegetables from Food Lover's Market. The variety of food products available is impressive.

  • Michael Bornhoft

    Michael Bornhoft


    Well, the usual stuff they also sell in South Africa, way too expensive for the industrial mass production it actually is, skin-dry "fresh" things your doctor would probably recommend you to not eat anymore, salads made without any know-how, vinegar-infused and covered with fat mayo. Unaware employees who don't care about anything and look at you as if you were some strange being that is able to speak. We were hoping to get the real Mauritian dragon fruit there but it was.. leave it. We found it at one of those incredible street food stands that sell wonderful self-picked things and give you a nice smile ☺

  • Ash G

    Ash G


    I go there to buy Pink Lady or Golden Delicious apples, mandarines and fresh button mushrooms. On other occasions it is for Waitrose (UK) products (tea bags, snack, cake deco and bread flour 😍). Food Lover's own-brand canned tomatoes (puree or chopped) and their fresh unbaked margherita pizza are excellent products i recommend. I buy this Rs115-130 pizza which i keep in the fridge (or freezer) until Sunday. On the day, i will customise it with fresh mushrooms, onions, olive oil, salt & pepper, and it will require 12-14min to bake in a 190°C preheated oven. If you are into baking then this is definitely a place you need to explore. 👌 For e.g. they sell fresh blueberries (sometimes buy 1 get 1 free). They taste a bit sour on day 1 but if you wait for day 2 or 3, then they become succulently sweet. You have to taste and make the right call. I made many real blueberry muffins thanks to them. One day i will probably make my own jam because i like blueberry jam with actual real pieces of blueberries in them. When I'm feeling peckish, i will check their freshly cooked food (noodles, tofu, fish curry or even baked chicken leg). Don't look at the price, just order to try if you are unsure. Their fish curry (3668) is excellent but their Mauritian Chef at FoodLovers (La Croisette) does the best. There's a shop which makes great pharatas near where i live and the combination of both is outstanding. Only negative is that they wait too long to discount their imported products. A question to its CEO could be "Are you in the business of SELLING products or are you in the business of SITTING on perishable stock?" This may sound harsh but this is what they do. They discounted Waitrose Spanish olive oil in Jan but it had less than 1 month of best-before date. Not an issue because it's "Best Before" and not "Use By" date, but why not discount much earlier? 😕

  • Tech & Gaming

    Tech & Gaming


    A lovely place to buy fresh breads... Variety of fruits and vegetables from across the world... U get some cooked pasta, salads etc for take away by weight.... Must try

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