Espace Maison et Jardin i Pamplemousses District

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusEspace Maison et Jardin



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Autoroute du Nord, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 266 3913
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Latitude: -20.0543508, Longitude: 57.6136276

kommentar 5

  • Sonja Simeonova

    Sonja Simeonova


    nice products but expensive. Also the boxes that are coming with Royal Canine dog food they are keeping them for themselves. they also told us to go somewhere near Beau Bassin to get box but the travel to there will cost me like 2 boxes

  • en

    Imran Naseven


    Nice place very attractive for purchasing pleasant workers to help always at time to serve

  • en

    Charles Couty


    There is everything you need for renovation or when building a new house. Staff are very knowledgeable of their products n very nice.. Car park big enough n good quality products. They have all sort of tools fpr all sort of work.. it's a must go n see for yourself

  • Adventure Travel, with Mervin

    Adventure Travel, with Mervin


    Almost every time it has what I am looking for and the staff are quite helpful.

  • en

    Pritee Ramchurn


    It has a variety of items from home decor to garden essentials. Sometimes certain items are not available as they need to update their stock. The staff are helpful in advising clients on different products.

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