Dr. Asha Loobna BNiamut Dental Clinic i Triolet

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MauritiusDr. Asha Loobna BNiamut Dental Clinic



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Triolet, Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 5793 0699
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: -20.0459296, Longitude: 57.5554054

kommentar 5

  • en

    Nazma Boodoo


    Best and quality service. I would recommend everyone to go there. 👍👍👍 Very satisfied with the treatment.

  • en

    Ibrahim 2018


    Excellent service , i would recommend everyone to come here for their treatments. The best one found on the island. I rate 10 stars

  • en



    Dr Asha Loobna BNiamut is honestly the best dentist in Mauritius. I travelled from the UK to Mauritius on a great holiday. Then I had major dental problems and Dr A L BNiamut helped me and treated me. All I can say is MANY THANKS.

  • Gayhinee Rutnah

    Gayhinee Rutnah


    Had recently done my treatment. She is a very professional dentist and I would recommend you guys to go there.

  • en

    Swastee Luximon


    My best experience at a Dentist is this one. I have been at many Dentists in the past , have had many bad experiences. I am very happy for the treatment & hospitality I look forward to visit every six months and recommend all my family members.

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