Chez Popo Supermarket i Trou-aux-Biches

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MauritiusChez Popo Supermarket



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B38, Trou-aux-Biches, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 265 5463
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Latitude: -20.0390598, Longitude: 57.5436548

kommentar 5

  • en

    teneal barnard


    They have literally got everything you need. No variety of clothing but absolutely everything else and very well priced.

  • Sachin Makvana

    Sachin Makvana


    Great walking distance from our Apparent be cosy and also offers alot of item. Open till late so very good

  • Dawood Khan

    Dawood Khan


    If you looking for some tourist stuff like T-shirt’s n key rings .... it’s convenient and cheap bout 40% cheaper than grand Bazaar

  • Marius Kroon

    Marius Kroon


    Good selection of products, anything you could possibly need as a tourist can be found here. The locals seem to be getting their groceries here as well, so I suppose that the prices are decent. We even bought a sun umbrella here, which is cheaper than renting beds on the beach.

  • en

    Ville Koistinen


    Chez Popo is not a big supermarket but you can find almost all you need from there in case you're staying in an aparthotel and need to prepare your own food. There is also a wide selection of souvenirs with very inexpensive prices and we ended up buying some from there instead of overpriced bazaars. Also the alcohol section is excellent for souvenir bottles of rum or almost any other kinds of drinks you might want to enjoy during the travel. The market also looks pleasing from the inside.

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