Cash & Carry i Port Louis

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusCash & Carry


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La Chaussée, Port Louis, Port Louis, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 212 5715
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Latitude: -20.1635514, Longitude: 57.5012481

kommentar 5

  • nishii rampersand

    nishii rampersand


    worst service!!on 27th of July 2017 i have purchase a Y6 2 black Huawei at Phoenix which is on 2 years guarantee but since now I'm unable to use this mobile.Well, this is the 5TH TIME I'm sending the mobile phone for reparation. Each time I am requesting for improvement and i have even go there personally at the repairing center at Paille and at the showroom at Phoenix but unfortunately nothing is being done from your part.However, I have been contacted the customers service department several time and no one is helping me out they told that they will called on the next day but i DID NOT RECEIVE any call..Henceforth,you badly need to train your staff as they don't have how to deal with a customer ..This is the LAST TIME i am purchasing something at the CASH and CARRY .. Indeed you just lost a client for sure..This is a shame for Cash and Carry..Please don't give me the same comment as on all the posts..Poor customer service!!

  • Fardeen Schaik Hossen

    Fardeen Schaik Hossen


    Good prices great variety of electronics and tvs

  • Francois Nicholas

    Francois Nicholas


    VariéT des produit...

  • Humais Ali

    Humais Ali


    Lots of products available, but expensive.

  • en

    mahen 1205


    They dn't display prices on every product although its illegal in Mauritius to do so.

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