Budget Car Rental i Beau Bassin-Rose Hill

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MauritiusBudget Car Rental


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Swami Sivananda Road, Beau Bassin-Rose Hill, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230
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Latitude: -20.2349767, Longitude: 57.47688

kommentar 2

  • hemant sombarydoss

    hemant sombarydoss


  • Johan Prinsloo

    Johan Prinsloo


    Budget @ International airport:Be careful- you are asked to sign a blank credit card slip!!! The so called pre-vehicle inspection is a farce!! A fee of R$20,000.00 is added for 'in case of an accident'- watch out- its not in your original budget agreement!! I have arrived in Mauritius a couple of hours ago and were met by Mr Vinod- the local Budget representative. Mr Vivod presented me with a written contract- which is a standard procedure. I queried the R$ 20,000.00 rupees that were added to the contract. It is not mentioned in the printed contract that I received from Budget when I made the booking. He explained it to me and I agreed to sign the document. Mr Vivod then asked for my credit card- which I presented. He then presented me with an incomplete credit card slip- a blank one- that he requested me to sign. I refused to sign the blank slip- I explained to him that any person could full an amount in and cash it. His attitude immediately changed towards me and he became very agitated. I explained to him that I'll sign for two slips- one with the vehicle rental amount on and another to cover possible damage. I signed both copies We then proceeded to the vehicle inspection. Mr Vivod started to count the scratches on the vehicle and made a note on his clip board of 20% of the scratches. When I queried that he lost it. I proceeded to take photographs of the vehicle - which did not work that well because of the fading light. This vehicle- registration number: 6938 SP 12- is scratched and dented. Mr Vivod was so upset he did not even check the lights, indicators, horn, etc. I am extremely disappointed in the level of customer service that I received from this Budget representative. I know that Budget prides them self in training excellence and great customer service.

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