Beach House Restaurant & Beach Bar i Grand Baie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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MauritiusBeach House Restaurant & Beach Bar



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B13, Grand Baie, MU Mauritius
kontakter telefon: +230 263 2599
internet side:
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Latitude: -20.0155757, Longitude: 57.5805222

kommentar 5

  • en

    Rich W


    Apparently had stopped serving dinner just before 7pm on a Sunday and turned away two customers - even tnough the resturant still had other customers already seated. Sad.

  • en

    Jean Pierre Kasselman


    Had Juicy Lucy Burger.A HUGE very tasty burger patty,will definitely recommend it.Seafood paella excellent if you add the lemon butter sauce.

  • Karl Ahnee

    Karl Ahnee


    Place is ok although I personally wouldn’t recommend it. Well-known for the burgers Not always welcoming to locals and mainly oriented to expatriates. Quite expensive...

  • Josephine Stein-Vigroux

    Josephine Stein-Vigroux


    The Beach House Restaurant looks average from outside but has a beautiful view from inside. If you want to have a good place you have to reserve in advance because it's very popular (also very loud) and also doesn't have a lot of parking spots . Unfortunately it also gets very loud and hectic during the prime time which also means that you have to wait some time for your drinks and food.. I had a burger with fries which was delicious and the cocktails are great. Would go there again.

  • en

    Quantum77 Solace


    Heard a lot about this restaurant but was really deceived. No menu card and you have to walk to a black board to read the menu. I ordered a schnitzel and i was served with a vulgar piece of chicken layered with cheese. This piece of chicken is sold Rs. 60 in any small tea stall in Mauritius. The prices were simply exorbitant and for 3 persons the bill was Rs. 2200. Even in the best gastronomic restaurant the bill would not have been so high. Only the place is nice being beach side but the rest was execrable. So first time last time.

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